


・鎌田拓馬 先生  ・髙田陽奈子 先生

・前川和歌子 先生 ・二杉健斗 先生  

・木戸衛一 先生  ・中嶋啓雄 先生

・室岡健志 先生


Kamada, Takuma(論文)

“The Family Consequences of Terrorism: The Effects of the Tokyo Subway Sarin Attack on Marital Formation and Dissolution.” Socius. (2022)(査読有)

Abstract: Research on the effects of disruptive events on family-related decision-making provides competing predictions with different channels, and the available evidence is mixed. This study focuses on the Tokyo subway sarin attack in 1995—the most disastrous terrorist attack in modern Japanese history. The findings indicate that in the years following the sarin attack, marriage and divorce rates decreased in areas served by the affected subway lines relative to areas not served by them within the Tokyo metropolis. The effects do not appear to be driven by a change in population compositions. The negative effects of the sarin attack on marriage and divorce are weaker in areas with higher social welfare expenditures. The findings are consistent with the perspective that the sarin attack triggered perceived uncertainty, where people adhered to their status quo; with the availability of social welfare, they perceived the impact as less pervasive.
Correction 1: “One percent closer to the Chiyo or Chuo ward, marriage on average decreases by 3.7 percent, and divorce on average decreases by 6 percent” (p.8). 3.7 and 6 should be 0.037 and 0.06, respectively.
Correction 2: In Table 1, Figure 5, Figure F1, billion should be million.


Hinako Takata(論文)

“How are the Paris Principles on NHRIs Interpreted? Towards a Clear, Transparent, and Consistent Interpretative Framework” Nordic Journal of Human Rights Vol. 40(2) (2022) pp. 285-305(査読有)https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/18918131.2022.2040863

Abstract:Although they fall outside of the traditional sources of international law, the Principles relating to the Status of National Institutions (Paris Principles) have enjoyed an authoritative value in international human rights law. International human rights bodies have increasingly permitted Paris Principles-compliant national human rights institutions (NHRIs) to participate in their activities not as part of the state but in the institutions’ own capacity, and have required states to establish NHRIs or strengthen existing NHRIs in accordance with the Paris Principles. How, then, are the Paris Principles interpreted? This study critically analyses the three principles governing the interpretation of the Paris Principles – the dynamic interpretation principle, the normative gradation principle, and the overall evaluation principle – through a comprehensive examination of the practice of the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI), and makes recommendations for their improvement and consolidation.


Wakako Maekawa(論文)

“Strategic Deployment of UN Political Missions to Replace UN Peacekeeping Operations: The Demand and Supply Sides of Transition Logic” International Peacekeeping(2022)(査読有)https://doi.org/10.1080/13533312.2022.2149502

Abstract:Although United Nations peacekeeping operations (UN PKOs) produce positive outcomes for peace, some missions are strategically replaced by cheaper and smaller UN political missions (PMs). This article explores why certain peacekeepers are replaced by UN PMs and unpacks the exit strategy of UN PKOs. The logic of demand-side and supply-side perspectives is evaluated using data on the deployment of UN peacekeepers and UN PMs in post-civil war countries between 1993 and 2016. Signing comprehensive peace agreements (CPAs) increases the chances of UN PKOs being replaced by UN PMs because as the willingness to develop politically increases, the demand for civilian personnel after demilitarization also rises. On the supply side, as the preferences of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council concerning target states become more heterogenous, UN PKOs are more likely to be replaced by UN PMs because coordination problems encourage members to choose less burdensome missions. 



「投資協定仲裁判断例研究(150) エネルギー憲章条約(ECT)のEU域内(intra-EU)性を理由に仲裁管轄権を否定した事例」『JCAジャーナル』69巻11号(2022年)22-29頁

概要:EU法によるEU構成国間での投資条約に基づく投資家対国家間仲裁(EU域内投資仲裁)の禁止が、EU自身も当事者となっており、かつ脱退したイタリアを除くすべてのEU構成国が当事国となっているエネルギー憲章条約(ECT)にも及ぶことを初めて判示した仲裁判断(Green Power v. Spain, 16 June 2022)について判例分析を行った。本件がEU構成国内に仲裁地を置く非ICSID条約仲裁であったことの意義と、ECTの条約解釈を通じたEU域内仲裁排除の可能性について検討した。







“John Gripentrog, Prelude to Pearl Harbor: Ideology and Culture in US-Japan Relations, 1919-1941. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2021,” H-Diplo Roundtable XXIV-9
https://networks.h-net.org/node/28443/discussions/11320681/h-diplo-roundtable-xxiv-9-gripentrog-prelude-pearl-harbor (PDF)https://issforum.org/roundtables/PDF/Roundtable-XXIV-9.pdf

概要:真珠湾攻撃80周年を機に刊行されたJohn Gripentrog, Prelude to Pearl Harbor: Ideology and Culture in US-Japan Relations, 1919-1941の合評会形式の書評。国際交流基金の起源である国際文化振興会(KBS)に光を当てたことをはじめその新規性や解釈の妥当性を高く評価する一方、近年の研究の進展に照らし、アメリカが掲げた自由主義的国際主義と日本のアジア主義を対置している点に若干の疑問を呈したが、開戦に至る日米関係の研究に新たな地平を切り開いたと結論づけた。






Takeshi Murooka(Discussion Paper)

“The Provision of High-powered Incentives under Multitasking” coauthored with Kohei Daido, DP-2022-E-005 (November 25, 2022)

Abstract:We study multitasking problems where an agent engages in both a contractible task and a non-contractible task, which are substitutes. The agent has private information on the value of the non-contractible task, and there are followers who can also contribute to this task. We highlight a new mechanism by incorporating leading-by-example (Hermalin, 1998) in a multitasking model. To prevent excessive effort by the agent with low value on the non-contractible task, the principal provides high-powered incentives for the contractible task. We discuss its organizational implications to pay for performance, incentives to help colleagues, and prevention of overwork.