【ポスター発表】左 晅子さん(OSIPP博士後期課程)
OSIPP博士後期課程2年次の左 晅子さんが、2024年12月14-15日に創価大学で開催された 日本精神衛生学会 第40回大会 においてポスター発表を行いました。
Title: 福祉政策と自殺 ―日本における「生活困窮者自立支援制度」の役割―
Author: 左 晅子さん
Abstract: Japan saw a notable drop in suicide rates during the 2010s, coinciding with the introduction of the “Self-reliance Support for the Needy” program. Targeting those facing economic hardships but ineligible for public aid, the program offered support in benefits, employment, and financial management. Using a difference-in-differences approach, this study analyzed monthly suicide rates in 815 cities from 2009–2015. Results showed a decrease in monthly suicides, particularly among males and middle-aged individuals. In further subprogram analyses on annual suicide rates, employment training emerged as the most effective subprogram, highlighting its critical role in suicide prevention.