







Katsuya Takii coauthored with Masaru Sasaki, Junmin Wan

“Synchronized job transfer and task-specific human capital”

Journal of the Japanese and International Economies,vol.56, June 2020(査読有)

Abstract:Recent evidence suggests that frequent and broad lateral transfers increase the possibility of promotion. A question is how firms  save the costs of these frequent lateral transfers given the existence of job-specific skills. This paper proposes a new theory of the  transition across jobs based on the assumption that each job consists of tasks and that each of these tasks require specific skills. This  shows that firms synchronize the promotions and lateral transfers of their employees to reduce the cost of transferring to the employee those task-specific skills required for a new position. We find that this unique prediction is broadly supported by a large personnel data  set  in Japan.




『財政研究』日本財政学会学会誌掲載予定(査読有)(2020年5月 アクセプト)



Nobuo Akai coauthored with Takahiro Watanabe

“Delegation of Taxation Authority and Multipolicy Commitment in a Decentralized Leadership Model”

forthcoming in Public Finance Review, (accepted in May 2020)(査読有)

Abstract: This paper generally derives the conditions when efficient public expenditure by local governments can be achieved in relation to the delegation of taxation authority. The model allows various levels of spillovers of local public goods and various types of multipolicy commitments of taxation and/or expenditure.



名嶋義直/神田靖子 編『右翼ポピュリズムに抗する市民性教育-ドイツの政治教育に学ぶ』

(第2部 いま、政治教育が向き合うもの 5章「増殖する右翼ポピュリズムと政治教育-ザクセン州の苦闘」を執筆担当)明石書店、(2020年5月30日発行)




研究動向「ドイツにおける歴史的平和研究」『歴史学研究』No.996、2020年5月 15日(査読無)



Kikuta Kyosuke

“A New Geography of Civil War: A Machine Learning Approach to Measuring the Zones of Armed Conflicts”

forthcoming in Political Science Research and Methods.(査読有)(accepted in Feb 2020)

Abstract: By using a machine learning method, so-called one-class support vector machine, I create a new dataset of conflict zones. A replication of Daskin and Pringle (2018, Nature) with the new dataset indicates that the effect of civil war on mammal populations is much smaller than the original estimate.


Kyosuke Kikuta coauthored with Gerring, John, Jan Teorell, Wouter Veenendaal, Daniel Weitzel, Tore Wig

“Why Monarchy? The Rise and Demise of a Regime Type” forthcoming in Comparative Political Studies (査読有)(accepted in Feb 2020)

Abstract: We compile a new dataset of monarchies tracing back to 1100. With the new dataset, we test various hypotheses about the rise and demise of monarchies.


Kyosuke Kikuta

“The Environmental Costs of Civil War: A Synthetic Comparison of the Congolese Forests with and without the Great War of Africa”

forthcoming in The Journal of Politics.(査読有)(accepted in Mar 2019)

Abstract: I conduct one of the first assessments about the environmental costs of civil war. I apply a synthetic control method to analyze deforestation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The analysis indicates that the Great War of Africa in the DRC resulted in the decrease of forest by 1.61%, which amounts to the entire territory of Belgium.