







Miki Kohara coauthored with Y. Ishikawa and A. Nushimoto (論文)
“Job Stress and Mental Health among Social Workers: Evidence from a Field Experiment at a Public Employment Support Institution in Japan” The Japanese Economic Review. (October 2021)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42973-021-00100-z(査読あり)

Abstract:This study examines the causal effects of job stress on workers’ mental health. Evaluating the causal relationship between job stress and workers’ mental health is challenging due to an endogeneity problem, as heavy workloads and thus job stress are likely assigned to workers in good mental health condition. Endogeneity can also be problematic due to workers’ unobserved heterogeneity, such as personal capacities and stress-resistance, which are associated with both job stress and mental health outcomes. In order to solve this problem, we conduct a field experiment at a public employment support institution in Japan. In the experiment we randomly assign counsellors to jobseekers who are visiting the institution for the first time. Since jobseekers experience varying levels of difficulty finding work, this random assignment results in unexpected workloads, adding job stress for counsellors. We then collect counsellors’ daily records on mental health conditions for four consecutive weeks, matching the responses with the random assignment data on job counselling. Utilising a panel structure of the dataset and applying a fixed effects model, we remove counsellors’ time-invariant unobserved heterogeneities. We measure counsellors’ mental health in terms of both subjective, self-reported perceptions and objective aspects of blood pressure and pulse. The results reveal that the job stress driven by newly assigned problematic jobseekers deteriorates aspects of counsellors’ objective mental health, whereas it does not appear to affect their subjective mental health. This result suggests that workers can accumulate the negative effects of job stress on mental health that they may be unaware of.


和仁 健太郎(論文)
「サイバー犯罪に対する国家管轄権の行使と国際法」 『論究ジュリスト』37号(2021年11月)46-53頁




概要:政治学の分野で重要性を増している「因果推論」。 本書ではその基礎から書き起こし、さまざまな研究例を用いて無作為化実験、自然実験、不連続回帰デザイン、操作変数法、差の差法といった具体的手法を解説していく。さらに研究の基本的な流れや進めかたなども論じ、読者を研究の実践へといざなう。


阿部修人・稲倉典子との共著、深尾京司編『サービス産業の生産性と日本経済—JIPデータベースによる実証分析と提言』所収、6章、東京大学出版会、201-227頁 (2021年9月28日発刊) 



「ユダヤ人の私」と辿るオーストリアの歴史 SYNODOS 2021/11/12掲載

