


OSIPP博士後期課程3年次の沈燕妮さんが、2022年12月5日に宮城県で開催された「3rd Asian Workshop on Econometrics and Health Economics」において、ご自身の研究を発表されました。(写真:ポスター発表時の沈さん)


Title: ”The cost of happy Internet time: An examination of the causal impact on well-being and health”
Authors: Yanni Shen(沈燕妮) and Miki Kohara
Abstract: This paper investigates the effect of Internet use on well-being and health, focusing on both short-term happiness and long-term health. We employ an instrument variable method with fixed effects, utilizing the individual panel structure. Using the number of broadband access ports per capita as the instrument, the results show that the Internet has a positive despite the insignificant effect on short-term happiness, while it has a negative and significant effect on long-term health as it lowers self-rated health, decreases memory and increases the odds of being overweight. This effect is stronger on males, old people, and lower-educated individuals. Our results highlight the gap in personal perceptions of the non-negative Internet effect and the unconscious negative Internet effect on long-term health.
