
・二羽秀和 先生
・二杉健斗 先生
・遠藤勇哉 先生
・髙田陽奈子 先生
・和仁健太郎 先生
Hidekazu Niwa coauthored with Eguchi Masataka and Takayuki Tsuruga(論文)
“Should the fiscal authority avoid implementation lag?” forthcoming in Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics (Accepted in February 14) (査読あり)https://doi.org/10.1111/obes.12604
Abstract:Implementation lags are a concern of policymakers as they may reduce the efficacy of fiscal policy. Using a standard New Keynesian model with an effective lower bound on the nominal interest rate, we compare the impacts of fiscal stimulus on output across various lengths of implementation lag. We show that despite concerns among policymakers, implementation lags may enhance the efficacy of government purchases on output when the economy is caught in a liquidity trap.
Yuya Endo coauthored with Yoshikuni Ono(論文)
“The Underrepresentation of Women in Politics: A Literature Review on Gender Bias in Political Recruitment Processes” Interdisciplinary Information Sciences Issue: Online first (査読あり) DOI: https://doi.org/10.4036/iis.2024.r.01
Abstract:This article discusses the underrepresentation of women in the political arena worldwide by reviewing the relevant literature in the field of political science. Despite women’s increasing participation in various fields, the average percentage of female legislators in OECD countries is only 33.83%, with only two countries achieving 50% representation. Increasing the number of female legislators is crucial to reflect the policy preferences of female voters and increase women’s future political participation. However, multiple studies suggest that women face gender bias at each of the three stages of the political recruitment process: self-selection of potential candidates, nomination of aspiring candidates by political parties, and selection of candidates as representatives by voters. We review how gender bias may manifest at each stage of the political recruitment process to understand why there is a significant gender gap in political representation. Additionally, we introduce research discussing ways to reduce the gender gap in political representation.
「日本の裁判所における自由権規約の解釈 ー国際法上の条約解釈規則の具体的適用方法、一般的意見の法的意義、そして日本の裁判所による解釈の国際法上の帰結・影響ー」阪大法学73巻5号(2024年2月)989-1043頁、https://doi.org/10.18910/93896
Kento Nisugi coauthored with Nisuke Ando and Shotaro Hamamoto(その他の記事)
“Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA),” Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (Online edition, 2024) (査読あり)
Abstract:This is an updated entry to Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law on the Permanent Court of Arbitration, whose authors draw upon the previous version written by Nisuke Ando in 2006. It describes the Court’s legal basis, organization, functions and procedure and explains several significant developments in its practice throughout its history, highlighting the important role of the Court in the promotion of peaceful settlement of international disputes and the rule of law. The entry was formally submitted in May 2023 and published in January 2024.