


・南和志 先生  ・宮野紗由美 先生
・山下拓朗 先生 ・赤井伸郎 先生
・小原美紀 先生 ・松林哲也 先生




令和6年度 大阪大学賞 若手教員部門 受賞




令和6年度 大阪大学賞 若手教員部門 受賞



Miki Kohara(論文)

Ryo Sakamoto and Miki Kohara (2024) “Why Gender Norms Matter” Economica, 10 September 2024.(査読あり) https://doi.org/10.1111/ecca.12551

Abstract:The present paper reexamines the causal impact of working hours on workers’ mental health. We utilize Japan’s 2010 reform of the Labor Standards Law as a social experiment to examine how the increased wage penalty for long overtime work affects working hours and workers’ mental health. Utilizing a unique panel dataset containing health behaviors and individual, household, and workplace characteristics of male workers, we find that the wage penalty reform indeed succeeded in reducing overtime hours and total working hours, and that the reductions contributed to workers’ better mental health. Further empirical investigation suggests that the reduction effect of the reform on working time is homogeneous among age groups; however, the harmful effect of working time on mental health is large and statistically significant among young workers. Our results suggest that setting a high wage penalty for long overtime work effectively reduces overtime work and improves workers’ health outcomes, particularly among youth.


Miki Kohara(論文)

Hang Thu Nguyen-Phung¡, Miki Kohara, and Secil Er (2024) “The Impact of ICT Development on Female Employment and Household’s Well-being in Vietnam,” Japanese Economic Review(査読あり)https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s42973-024-00180-7

Abstract: This paper examines the impact of ICT development on female labor market outcomes across Vietnam, using data from four waves of the nationally representative Vietnam Household Living Standard Surveys conducted in 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2018. Leveraging the variation in the degree of ICT development among provinces as a source of exogenous variation, we employ fixed effects models. Our findings show that a 10 percent improvement in ICT increases the likelihood of obtaining a contract job by approximately 2.9 percentage points for married women, nearly 3 percentage points for low-educated married women, and 8 percentage points for married women from minority ethnic groups. The rise in contract jobs for these groups suggests that ICT development has improved the local labor market and enhanced the job-matching process for vulnerable women in Vietnam. Additionally, we explore the well-being of households led by married women in contractual employment, revealing a positive correlation between the ICT Index and average daily caloric intake per capita in such households. Our pathway emphasizes the synergy of ICT deployment, expanded contractual opportunities, and improved caloric intake. Furthermore, the results indicate a reduction in working hours for married women in contractual positions due to ICT development, suggesting ICT’s role in enhancing time management and work efficiency, thereby positively impacting household well-being.


Sayumi Miyano(論文)

Davis, Christina L., Jialu Li, and Sayumi Miyano (2024) “Peer Conformity and Competition Shape How Business Managers Evaluate Withdrawals from Russia amid the Ukraine War.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, September 3, 2024, 121 (37) e2406471121.(査読あり) https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2406471121 

Abstract:States have long used economic sanctions in response to violations of international law as a strategy to restore order. Increasingly, firms also reject doing business with violators. In response to the war in Ukraine, hundreds of multinational corporations voluntarily withdrew from Russia, even when policymakers were still debating the extent of sanctions. How did firm managers evaluate whether to withdraw from the Russian market? Using a survey experiment with Japanese firm managers conducted three months after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, we explore how peer effects—information on what other firms are doing in response to the crisis—influence support for withdrawal of business activity with Russia. Our findings show that information about withdrawal by other firms from a diverse set of countries promotes peer conformity that increases support. In contrast, information about ongoing business with Russia by Chinese firms fosters competition that reduces support. Market exposure moderates these reactions, although the concern about peer behavior does not appear to be driven by a reputation mechanism. Our research provides insight into how business actors perceive the strategic interplay of peer influence and market dynamics in the context of geopolitical conflicts.




This article discusses in detail the relationship between “work” and “health” based on statistical evidence, examining the impact of health on both individual workers and the workplace as a whole. According to the academic findings, health can be directly linked to workers’ well-being and job performance, and from a long-term perspective, it contributes to improved productivity for companies and economic growth for the nation. The article also focuses on health issues in domestic labor, particularly the impact of the dual burden on women’s health, emphasizing the need to consider the welfare loss of these market labor and home production more seriously.







衆院選2024「投票所が1か所減ると、投票率はどうなるか…『職員や立会人確保難しい』前回から半減する自治体も」読売新聞オンライン(2024/10/23配信) https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/election/shugiin/20241022-OYT1T50109/


2024衆院選「投票はシグナル 出し続けて – 1票では変わらない? 松林哲也・大阪大教授に聞く」 



特集「投票率はなぜ低い?~選挙と投票率を考える」TBSラジオ(10月18日 20時~ 荻上チキ・Session)
<松林先生の出演>2:05:28〜Main Session:特集「シリーズ衆議院選挙~投票率を上げるために、何が必要なのか?」