


・髙田陽奈子 先生
・赤井伸郎 先生




Hinako Takata(論文)

“Dissecting Stakeholder Participation in UN Human Rights Treaty Body Activities with Normative and Empirical Approaches: A Comparison of NGO and NHRI Participation,” German Law Journal (2024), 1–25. https://doi.org/10.1017/glj.2023.109(査読あり)

Abstract:By addressing the question “Are the roles and values of stakeholder participation qualitatively different for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and national human rights institutions (NHRIs), and if so, how?” this article dissects stakeholder participation in UN human rights treaty body activities. First, it normatively posits that stakeholder participation in treaty body activities carries three values, which weigh differently based on the actor and the treaty body activity concerned: facilitating “bounded” national deliberations, promoting international deliberations on human rights treaty standards, and supplementing the treaty bodies’ fact-finding capacity. It offers concrete normative guidance for treaty bodies on their engagement with NGO and NHRI participation to maximize the benefits of these values. It then empirically analyzes their current practice in light of the above-mentioned normative guidance. This article contributes, first, to the theorization of stakeholder participation in treaty body activities, which has been discussed but only in generalized or fragmented ways in previous studies. Second, it supports the effectiveness and legitimacy of treaty bodies by endorsing their practice that is consistent with the guidance and finding space for improvement. Finally, it provides a rationale for establishing and strengthening NHRIs by showing that NHRI participation has unique roles distinct from those of NGOs.




概要:2024年度の地方財政の姿が固まった。地方交付税は、企業収益が好調なこともあり、調整後の金額も、約3060億円増える。 臨時財政対策債は、新規発行がゼロで、借り換え分もほぼ半減。一方、地方財政は物価高による歳出増加や人口減少による税収減、人材不足による成長の制約、高齢者増加に伴う社会保障負担、災害対策など多くの課題に直面する。負担感が希薄になりがちな(地方全体で返済する)地方債務の残高を国全体で減らし、地方自治体は将来に備えて財政を律しないといけない。凪(なぎ)の時にこそ、次の荒波を見定め、船を手入れして、腕を磨く必要がある。