Takeshi Murooka coauthored with Yuichi Yamamoto
” Multi-Player Bayesian Learning with Misspecified Models”
OSIPP Discussion Paper: DP-2021-E-001 (January 15, 2021)
Abstract: We consider strategic players who may have a misspecified view about an environment, and investigate their long-run behavior. Each period, players simultaneously take actions, observe a public outcome, and then update own belief about an uncertain economic state by using Bayes’ rule. We provide a condition under which players’ beliefs and actions converge to a steady state, and then characterize how one’s misspecification influences the long-run (steady-state) actions. When a player has a biased view about the physical environment (e.g., overconfidence on own capability or prejudice on an opponent’s capability), the presence of strategic interaction influences the size of the impact of misspecification, but not the direction. In particular, when the game is symmetric, the presence of strategic interaction amplifies the deviation of the long-run actions from those in the correctly specified model. When a player misspecifies the opponent’s view about the environment (e.g., the player is not aware of the opponent’s bias), the strategic interaction generates a directional impact for the long-run actions. We extensively discuss implications to a variety of applications, such as Cournot duopoly, team production, tournaments, and discrimination.
赤井 伸郎 小川 顕正との共著
OSIPP Discussion Paper : DP-2021-J-002 (January 22, 2021)
概要:本稿は、コンビニ交付サービスの導入や市区町村による交付促進政策 が、各市のマイナンバーカードの 1 年間の交付枚数にどのような影響を与えて いるのかを定量的に分析したものである。分析の結果、交付促進政策に一定の 効果があったことを明らかにしている。
Katsuya Takii coauthored with Kenjiro Hirata , Shinpei Sano
“How can a college’s admissions policies help produce future business leaders?”
OSIPP Discussion Paper: DP-2021-E-003 (January 25, 2021)
Abstract: This paper examines the long run impacts of expanding the range of subjects in higher education admission examinations using a historical event, the reform of Japanese entrance examinations in 1979. Our results show that degree programs that are forced to increase the number of subjects increases the probability of graduates being appointed onto the board of directors of publicly traded companies despite reducing the measured average intellectual ability of students in the program. This suggests that by broadening the range of subjects, colleges can select students who can master a wide range of knowledge and transform them into future business leaders.
「苦境の「JALとANA」、行政はどう支援すればいいか-コロナ時代の航空・空港最前線【前編】-」ダイヤモンドオンライン 2021年1月2日配信
「苦境の「国内空港」、行政はどう支援すればいいか-コロナ時代の航空・空港最前線【後編】-」ダイヤモンドオンライン 2021年1月3日配信
[『原爆投下 活かされなかった極秘情報』(2011年8月6日放送)を紹介したもの。]
概要:これは2011年8月6日にNHKが放映したテレビ番組「原爆投下 活かされなかった極秘情報」を紹介したものである。その番組は、日本軍が原爆投下は数時間後に迫っていると探知していたけれども軍上層部は被害を防ごうとせず、原爆投下機の追跡活動の存在を隠したという事実を示した。原爆投下機接近の情報が活かされなかったことが、原爆使用が生んだ犠牲者たちの悲劇性を一層浮き彫りにするという歴史像を示した点に、番組の意義があると論じた。