







Tetsuya Matsubayashi and Takuma Kamada(論文)

“The Great East Japan Earthquake and suicide: the long-term consequences and underlying mechanisms.” Preventive Medicine dio: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2021.106755 (Accepted 30 July 2021)

Abstract: “How and why do major natural disasters affect suicide? This study revisits this question by focusing on the Great East Japan Earthquake (GEJE) in March 2011 as a historically important natural disaster. Using an event-study analysis, we assessed how the GEJE changed the suicide rates in the regions affected by it and whether its effect persisted, attenuated, or escalated over time. In addition, we explored the political and social channels underlying the relationship between the GEJE and suicide. Using prefecture-level data, our analysis reveals that suicide by men aged 40–64 years and 65 years and over showed a large decline in the GEJE-affected prefectures in the years following the earthquake, and this decline attenuated over time. Furthermore, following the GEJE, government spending increased while divorce rates decreased in the affected prefectures, both of which were correlated with male suicide rates. These findings indicate that suicide after major natural disasters is preventable when political and social reactions to disasters provide a safety net, especially for men.”


Miki Kohara coauthored with Yumi Ishikawa(論文)

“The Outbreak of Infectious Disease and Trust in Government in Asian Countries,” Public Health in Asia during the COVID-19 Pandemic Global Health Governance, Migrant Labour, and International Health Crises, Edited by van der Veere A., Schneider F. and Yuk-ping Lo C., Amsterdam University Press, Forthcoming.

Abstract:During the outbreak of an infectious disease, governments issue various public directives in order to curb its spread, sometimes these include strong behavioral restrictions. Whether or not these restrictions are followed depends on the people’s trust in their government. In this chapter, we focus on the SARS epidemic that occurred in Asian countries in 2003, and statistically clarify its impact on the level of public trust in the government. Using the “Difference in Differences” method, which takes advantage of the unexpected and sudden spread of SARS in early 2003, and the large differences in infection status among Asian countries, with The World Values Survey 1993-2014, the analysis shows that the SARS outbreak in 2003 reduced people’s trust in the government in Asian countries. The analysis further shows that this loss was mitigated when there was collaboration between the government and the World Health Organization, highlighting the importance of collaboration the World Health Organization on issues of public health.


小原美紀 中山真緒との共著(論文)






概要:Eiser v. Spain, ICSID Case No. ARB/13/36における仲裁判断の取消決定(2020年6月11日)の評釈である。本件は、仲裁人の不偏性の欠如と開示義務違反を理由としてICSID仲裁判断を取り消した初めての例である。本評釈では、本決定は仲裁判断の正統性の確保の観点から肯定的に評価される一方で、その判断枠組を文字通り適用すれば、仲裁判断の最終性が著しく損なわれる恐れがあると批判し、より繊細な判断が求められることを指摘した。




「統計分析 で論文を書くための手順とコツ」『経済セミナー』No.721、2021年8・9月号(9月発行)30-35頁





概要:はじめて論文を書くとき、どんな点に気をつければよいだろうか? どのようにテーマをみつけ、どんな手順で自分のアイデアを論文にまとめていけばよいだろうか? そもそも論文とは何だろうか?「リサーチクエスチョンのみつけ方」「先行研究の探し方、読み方」「アカデミック・ライティングの心構え」、そして「論文の内容を伝えるコツ」の 4 つのテーマに分けて、それぞれの要点と、特に重視すべきポイントを解説する座談会を行った。



行動経済学 人の心理を組み入れた理論 連載第12回 感情と意思決定(2)結果に基づく他者への感情


