







Takeshi Murooka coauthored with Botond Kőszegi and George Loewenstein(論文)
”Fragile Self-Esteem” Review of Economic Studies, forthcoming.(査読あり)
https://www.restud.com/paper/fragile-self-esteem/(Posted on July 28, 2021)

Abstract: We develop a model of fragile self-esteem — self-esteem that is vulnerable to objectively unjustified swings — and study its implications for choices that depend on, or are aimed at enhancing or protecting, one’s self-view. In our framework, a person’s self-esteem is determined by sampling his memories of ego-relevant outcomes in a fashion that in turn depends on how he feels about himself, potentially creating multiple fragile “self-esteem personal equilibria.” Self-esteem is especially likely to be fragile, as well as unrealistic in either the positive or the negative direction, if being successful is important to the agent. A person with a low self-view might exert less effort when success is more important. An individual with a high self-view, in contrast, might distort his choices to prevent a collapse in self-esteem, with the distortion being greater if his true ability is lower. We discuss the implications of our results for mental well-being, education, job search, workaholism, and aggression.


Takeshi Murooka coauthored with Takuro Yamashita (Discussion Paper)
“Optimal Trade Mechanisms with Adverse Selection and Inferential Mistakes”
OSIPP DP-2021-E-006(September 2021)

Abstract: We study an adverse selection environment, where a rational seller can trade a good of which she privately knows its value to a buyer, and there are gains from trade. The buyer’s types differ in their degree of inferential abilities: A rational type correctly infers the value of the good from the seller’s offer, whereas a naive type under-appreciates the correlation between the seller’s private information and offer. We characterize the optimal menu mechanism that maximizes the social surplus. Notably, no matter how severe the adverse selection is (in particular, even when no trade is the unique possible outcome if all agents are rational), all types of buyers trade in the optimal mechanism. The rational buyer’s trade occurs at the expense of the naive buyer’s losses. We also investigate a consumer-protection policy of limiting the losses and discuss its implications.


「持続可能な地方財政慧運営に向けたガバナンス」『地方財政』No.721、2021年8月号 p4-14(8月発行)







「ICSIDによる投資紛争解決-EDF International S.A.ほか事件」森川幸一ほか(編)

概要:本稿は、判例教材『国際法判例百選』の新版に掲載された判例解説である。「国際紛争処理方式」に関する13章末に置かれた本稿では、投資紛争解決国際センター(ICSID)における外国投資家と投資受入国との間での紛争解決方式の特徴を、仲裁人の不偏性の欠如等を理由に仲裁判断の取消しが争われたEDF Internationalほか対アルゼンチン事件を題材として解説している。